Monday 8 June 2009

Laing Art Gallery & the City Library


a view of the Laing Art Gallery from the new Newcastle City Library which opened yesterday. The Laing Art Gallery is located on New Bridge Street and was was opened in 1904.
The library features a special glazed facade which forms the entire east elevation on John Dobson Street . The glazing features the work of artist Kathryn Hodgkinson entitled 'Four Questions' and which is based on interviews with Newcastle residents focusing on their fears, hopes and dreams for the city.


  1. :::))) Nice. Thanks for the visit again. I thought I should return and like the update!

  2. I like the commentary associated with this photo. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Clever point of view, Charles. For a minute I thought Photoshop until I read the description.

  4. thanks Michael; as it happens I don't have Photoshop; the only minor editing I ever do is with Google's Picasa, but one of these days I may try the fancy stuff
